How Marketers Should Answer “What Is It You Do Here?”

If you’re a marketer, there’s a possibility you’ve been asked, likely in the absence of any reality, this infuriating question by a salesperson: “what is it you do here again?” Salespeople live in a world between the brass tacks of success or failure. You hit …

The Million Dollar Marketing Question

What would you do with a million dollars? With a million dollars, I can think of a lot of things to do. Invest in my kids college, pay-off the house, take a nice trip, buy a house on the beach, well I could go on. …

Why You Can’t Just Buy a Marketing Attribution Model

Multi-Channel Attribution has become a very hot phrase over the past few years. Like many buzz terms, marketers understand the concept behind multi-channel attribution but don’t understand how to effectively implement this strategy. If you aren’t quite familiar with this term yet, the idea behind …

The Three Personalities of Marketing

Does marketing work? This isn’t a new question. Frankly, this question has been asked for years and marketers have done a fantastic job of answering the question with their best interpretive tap dance in front of senior management since marketing has historically been difficult to …