Alight Spotlight: Meet Lauren Lovvorn, Business Intelligence Developer

Lauren Lovvorn is a business intelligence developer at Alight Analytics.

We’re excited to welcome Lauren Lovvorn to Alight Analytics as our new Business Intelligence Developer. As part of our BIDS team, she plays an important role in building and implementing our marketing dashboards. Learn more about Lauren in her Q&A! 


Lauren Lovvorn


Business Intelligence Developer

So what do you DO at Alight? 

I work with our dashboard templates, ensuring data insights are presented accurately and clearly. 

What did you do before you came to Alight?

I worked in higher education in a variety of capacities, most recently as an instructional designer. I love communicating through design, and I’m a complete data nerd, which led me to Alight! 

What do you like to do when you aren’t at work? 

My life is centered around learning and creativity, which takes me down quite a few paths in my free time. I’m an avid reader of a wide range of genres, and I write fiction. I love history, which has led me to my current role serving on the Board of Directors at the Vaile Mansion Victorian Society in Independence, MO. I also adjunct for a graduate business analytics program.

What’s your favorite snack? 

I love Cheez-Its. I will eat a whole box in one sitting if I don’t portion them. 

Who’s your hero? And why? 

Captain Planet. He’s gonna take pollution down to zero.

If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

Netarts Bay, Oregon. It’s easily one of the prettiest places I’ve ever seen. My long-term goals include retiring early in Oregon with my husband and running a goat and bee farm.  

What reality TV show do you think you should appear on? 

Project Runway. I’ve been a seamstress for about 12 years. I’m self-taught, and I’ve done everything from wedding dress to dog costume commissions.