Cross-channel marketing campaigns are one of the most effective ways to reach customers, no matter where they live or what media they consume, and lead them to the point of sale.
They can also be a righteous pain in the neck to plan and measure. True cross-channel attribution — holistic analysis that shows how all your marketing activity impacts ROI — often feels impossible.
That’s because you’re employing several platforms, and there’s usually more than one person or team involved, and some of them may work at different agencies. So when there’s a change in the budget or tactics shift, it’s hard to keep everyone up to date. Things fall through the cracks.
You might even forget the specific goal you were trying to achieve with the campaign in the first place. Don’t laugh, it can happen, especially if your team is so laser-focused on improving click-through rates that you forget about the overall campaign objective.
Introducing ChannelMix Keys
That’s why Alight Analytics built ChannelMix Keys, our new cross-channel attribution solution for large, complex campaigns that run across multiple platforms and media. Keys, which is part of our ChannelMix data aggregation platform, is now being tested in an invitation-only beta. It’ll officially launch this spring.
Here’s how ChannelMix Keys works:
Through ChannelMix Control Center, you’ll create a dedicated multi-character “key” that you can attach to campaigns running on Google, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and other platforms. That key makes it easy to join data from all those sources together in ChannelMix and create
More importantly, each key can be associated with information about the overarching campaign’s budget, goals, history, regions or any other piece of metadata you choose. All that information lives as its own dataset inside ChannelMix, and it can be added to your reports and visualizations to give them greater context. (Keys users will get access to a basic pacing dashboard created by Alight.)
Greater Visibility, Seamless Teamwork
Keys also simplifies communication and improves accuracy for large teams working on cross-channel campaigns.
Did you tweak how much you’re spending on Twitter? You don’t have to email six other people and pray they’re actually reading their messages. Just go into Keys and update the appropriate field. (Though we should be clear: ChannelMix Keys will not update spend on individual platforms for you. Rather, it’s a single source of truth where you can track changes made on those other platforms.)
Greater visibility. Seamless teamwork. Fewer pains in your neck. Sounds pretty good, right?
ChannelMix Keys is currently in an invitation-only beta. If you’re interested in learning more, let’s talk. We’re excited to share this powerful new resource with you!